How Can We Motivate Our Children During the Back to School Period?

How Can We Motivate Our Children During the Back to School Period? - GiftShire

How Can We Motivate Our Children During the Back to School Period?

Children may need motivation during the school start period after the summer vacation. The end of the much-anticipated holiday and the start of busy school days can make them anxious.

At the same time, you may experience more anxiety instead of extreme excitement in children who will start school for the first time. In this process, many responsibilities fall on the rights of children who return to school.

They should include various activities that will make children happy and ready for their return to school. As this event continues, it will be inevitable to reach an agreement on motivating children to return to school.

Be Supportive with a Present Attitude

The periods when children start school are very special periods for them. For this reason, parents should make devoted preparations for breastfeeding. Instead of experiencing anxiety, they exhibit happy behaviors that will reduce restrictive stress. First of all, their differences should be shared in order for children to respond positively to the process of returning to school. It should be mentioned that they will make new friends and have the opportunity to learn new things.

Developing an environment suitable for one's interests and capacity. For example, preparations should be made for the intensity of school and classes by creating a focus corner for their intensity of interest. This process should be made more enjoyable with a study corner and a varied study program.

He maintains a positive attitude throughout this process, creating trust and comfort between them. Children's anxiety decreases and their motivation increases. This behavior allows children to be more active and actively participate in learning life. At the same time, children who receive support from people can be strong in terms of their existence. Children's self-belief increases and their confidence in success is strengthened.

Children express these features more easily in the features of their expressions. This strengthens communication with friends within the family and in the classroom and ensures that individuals are emotionally supported. One of the most important factors in this situation during the return to school period is the parent's positive approach to treatment.

You Can Choose to Reward and Incentivize

Readjusting to life and school responsibilities after the holidays is challenging even for adults. For children, this process becomes an issue that needs to be addressed in itself. If used exactly this way, it indicates that the time when children start school after the holidays is considered a special period. Various searches are available to students who want to support the pieces in this process. One of these particles is to encourage children to go to school.

You can offer the child the opportunity to participate in special events to motivate and reward the child's return to school. For example, you can include activities such as going to an amusement park or going to the cinema on the weekend. It is also possible for children to be rewarded when they reach small performances for those whose growth rates are determined to be successful. For example, you can make him happy with a reward of your choice when he reaches his target score in an exam or finishes the gift on time.

With rewards, you can encourage children to be successful at school and display positive behavior. But by preserving these rewards, you can help them strive for success, not just for the reward.

Highlight Your Interests

Highlighting children's interests during the return to school process is an important part of increasing their motivation for school and helping them adapt to school. He/she has different interests and abilities in learning. These areas of interest may be positive in terms of the development of their learning.

The focus should be on expansion, exploring and supporting the interests of the most people. Children's flow of interest becomes more fluid and they become motivated. For this reason, children's interests are distracted during the return to school period, and it is very important to provide and maintain activities in these areas. For example, if the child is interested in music, his interest should be strengthened by buying him an instrument. In this way, both academic success and personal development are supported positively.

Ask Him to Share with You What He Experienced During the Day

The school needs to be supported equally during the first days of school as well as during the back-to-school stress days. Distribution communication should be strengthened by asking people not to share what they experience during the day. In addition, parents should show that they are listening with interest while explaining this process to them.

He/she should understand his/her reaction by making eye contact. You should try to learn most of them by asking how they know their information. In this way, it can support emotional and social development more easily. It also helps children increase their power of self-expression. 


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